We welcome you in the NAME OF OUR LORD AND SAVIOUR JESUS CHRIST. We are a vibrant and growing family Church - filled with the love, power and presence of GOD. We are a Church where everyone is someone and JESUS IS LORD. We have many testimonies of miracles (Salvation, healing, financial breakthroughs, deliverance etc). Come taste and see that the LORD is good.
Our motto: With GOD all things are possible!
Come and find GODLY friends and receive support.
Come and hear the true WORD OF GOD.
1. Sunday (Physical worship): 10am -1pm at SN2 1RF.
2. Friday (Online Bible Study)
Time: 6.30 - 8.30pm
Join Zoom Meeting
Time: 6.30 - 8.30pm
Join Zoom Meeting
Come and socialise, chat and celebrate with us over a meal.
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We are a family Church filled with the love of GOD, victories and miracles. In this challenging times we all need GOD's help. If you need prayers for salvation, loneliness, marital or financial issues or just looking for a new Church do contact us:
by phone(07413722113 or 07803207843), email or via our contact form.
Victory Centre is a vibrant Church, based on sound doctrine and where the focus is on living a practical Christian life in today's world for our LORD JESUS.
The Children Church is the heartbeat of Victory Centre Swindon and our mission is to train up our children in the way of GOD and the knowledge of our LORD JESUS CHRIST.
We believe in making a difference by reaching out and sharing the love of our LORD JESUS to our communities. Our community activities include food banks, visiting and praying for those in need and many more.
We recognise the need not only as men, but as Christian men (representing GOD) to fulfil our roles as leaders in our homes, Church and communities. We aim first, to set the right examples for our families by imitating the exemplary life of our LORD JESUS CHRIST through the help of the HOLY SPIRIT.
The Anointed Women of Victory Centre Swindon are devoted, spiritually-minded and progressive group of women who love and are committed to the work of GOD and the building of GOD's Kingdom.
Victory Centre Youth Church are devoted to the complete development of our young people (Spiritually, physically and emotionally). We aim to inculcate/instil the fear of GOD in the young people so that they can live a life pleasing to the ALMIGHTY GOD through the Grace of our LORD JESUS CHRIST.
What does the BIBLE say about peace & holiness? Pastor Chidi gives a summary.
Should what other believers do affect my faith? Pastor Chidi explains.
How can I be certain that GOD exist? Pastor Chidi sheds some light on this topic.
What does the BIBLE say about CHURCH attendance? Watch and be blessed
The following are some of the inspirational messages at RCCG Victory Centre Swindon Church of GOD as inspired by the HOLY SPIRIT - through the Grace of our LORD JESUS CHRIST.
We have HOLY SPIRIT-filled messages and articles in our social media outlets on Facebook, Youtube, WhatsApp and Instagram. Please check out our social media outlets here.
Revelation 12 v 11: They overcame him by the BLOOD of the LAMB and by their testimonies. These are powerful testimonies of what the LORD JESUS had done through the power of the HOLY SPIRIT.